WWAM of the Month: Pamela

If you’ve viewed our post on 25 More Stunning Photos of Western Women & Asian Men Who Got Married or Engaged (The June 2017 Edition), then you’ve seen Pamela, who graced the final photo in the post.

She hails from the beautiful beach community of Tampico, Mexico, and now calls Taiyuan, China home. With her Spanish-language Youtube channel, she’s helping folks around the world get a new perspective on China en español. (You can also follow her on Instagram.) We sat down with Pamela to learn more about how she landed in China and what it’s like connecting with people on Youtube. 

Could you tell us a little more about yourself, including where you’re from and what you currently do?

Hi all! My name is Pamela. I’m originally from Tampico, Mexico, a beach city in north Mexico.
I currently co-own a small school with my husband, which takes up almost all my time. But whenever we can, we travel through Asia. I also enjoy books, animals and photography.

How did you come to China?

In 2011 I was working for a Canadian company in Mexico training workers to go abroad. One of my coworkers told me about a cultural exchange to China. I was already studying Chinese, so she thought I would be interested. Two months later, I was on my way to Beijing.

How did you meet your husband, and what attracted you to him?

As a part of my exchange I was helping to set up a new school. Steven started working for that school three weeks after I arrived. Since I saw him I thought he was very handsome. But it was the fact that it was very easy for me to talk to him that caught my attention. I’m kind of an introvert. Normally it’s not easy for me to talk to guys. But it felt so natural whenever I was with him.

You live in Taiyuan. What do you love about the city, and what do you wish you could change about it?

I love the food! People even joke I must have Shanxi blood. I eat everything with black vinegar and love all the local dishes more than any other Chinese food. Also I really like that the four seasons are well-defined. Coming from north Mexico/south Texas it was always summer with one or two months of mild winter.

The thing I wish I could change would be the pollution. Sadly it gets bad during winter and takes away from the beauty of the city.

A year ago you started a Youtube channel and have been sharing your life in China with thousands of people around the world. How has that been for you?

Amazing! I really enjoy sharing my thoughts about China. People have a distorted image of how China is. There are some Youtubers talking about China but most do so in English. It was important for me to make videos in Spanish for those who cannot speak English but want to know more about China and the rest of Asia. I have a section called FAQ, because I get questions like, “Is it true they can only have one child and they have to kill the rest?” and “Do they really eat dogs?” Quite often, even though it is difficult to talk about sensitive topics I enjoy sharing my experiences here so people can judge for themselves and not blindly believe what the media tells them.

Are you a part of the WWAM (Western women & Asian men) community? Would you like to be featured as our WWAM of the month? We’re always on the lookout for outstanding women and men to feature in this column. If you’d like us to spotlight you through an interview, send us an e-mail at contact@wwambam.com

Jocelyn Eikenburg
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  1. Beautiful article (L), love Pamela’s youtube channel, we didn’t have the chance to meet in person but hearing her voice makes it more real.

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