looking for writers

Do you want to join WWAM BAM!?

Dear Friends,

we are looking for fresh blood!

WWAM BAM! needs new writers.

Would you like to become a blogger? Or are you already a blogger looking for a new challenge? 

We at WWAM BAM! are searching for contributors to share their experiences of being in a WWAM (Western Woman, Asian Man) relationship.

Have you got crazy stories about relationships with your Asian SO or with your (future) Asian in-laws? Are you bursting with anecdotes about life in Asia? Want to share fascinating observations about your mixed-heritage children? We’d love to read all about it!

Just drop us a message in the comment section, don’t forget to include your email (won’t be published) and we will be in touch.

We are very excited to meet you!

Laura Nutchey-Feng
Latest posts by Laura Nutchey-Feng (see all)

One comment

  1. Hello! I’m Anna Carina from Finland. I lived 8 years in China, studying in university and then doing various jobs in construction, software and education. A few years ago me, my Shanghainese husband and our two children moved back to Finland. My parents in laws visit us when they can.

    We have found lots of Chinese and Finnish friends here, I even started a Taiji class with a friend from Suzhou! We organize Chinese massages and Chinese dinners to the Finnish taiji learners 🙂 . My husband and a Shanghainese friend often swap dishes, and host Asian food parties. He loves taking Chinese friends fishing and hunting, the Finnish way. At home we speak a lot of Chinese. I read books in various languages to our children.

    I used to write blogs as a teenager, but haven’t been at it for some time.
    I would love to be a writer at WWAM bam – writing about normal life as a Western-Asian couple, and the best aspects we enjoy about Chinese people and culture outside China.

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