Just one week to go till the 1st of December knocks on our door and with it Christmas month. We are certain you can’t wait for annual holiday mode to kick in! Your Where’s Wang columnist is already in a Christmassy mood, and so felt it was already time to share with you a little skit, that has become a favourite for this time of the year.
Father Christmas (or Santa or St. Nicolas, whichever you prefer) in terms of media representation is about as white as pudgy, old white men go. So, what is an Asian dad to do, when his daughter catches an Asian Santa sneaking her presents under the Christmas tree?
This is another beautiful skit by Wong Fu productions starring Fresh off the Boat dad Randall Park that explores in a light-hearted manner the racial realities of contemporary America. Be sure to watch all the way through for the charming twist!
The Wong Fu canon is a must for any person interested in Asian American (slightly male-focused) experience, first and foremost Kung Fooled. But in the meantime sit back and enjoy “Why is Santa Asian?”, with some cookies and milk for you…erm Santa of course.
“For the most part, what we see of Asian male sexuality is the assertion of a stronger Western virility at the expense of Asian masculinity. In short, the imagery takes Asian men lightly, as less-serious competitors for women, and less-competent fighters.” Sheridan Prasso, The Asian Mystique
The “Where’s Wang” tag allows us at WWAM BAM! to review how present this bias is within sitcoms and other tv shows having come out of the Hollywood machine (and other media) over the past few years, and review any media through an AMWF lens.
- How 3 WWAMs celebrate(d) Christmas in Asia - December 20, 2022
- How 4 WWAMs Celebrate Thanksgiving in Asia - November 23, 2022
- Where’s Wang? Turning Red - November 15, 2022